Suggestions and Complaints

Agro& Social Fund aims to collect, resolve and respond instantaneouslyto any complaints or problems that customers may have with the staff or the procedures of the institution. To fulfill this goal as properly as possible, requires a complete and comprehensive approach / methodology, part of which are all members / staff of the institution. The ultimate goal of this comprehensive system is to give customers the opportunity to provide as many opinions, suggestions and complaints as possible, in a transparent, direct, independent and secure way.
At ASF, this is done through the following mechanisms:

1- st Mechanism: Loan contract
An executive written summary of the ways and forms of how ASF clients can give their comments, suggestions or complaints is included in the loan contract, which states that: The client is encouraged to report any behavior that is contrary with professional ethics as well as any corrupted action of employees of the company Agro& Social Fund, during the loan application procedures and after the signing of the loan contract too.

2-nd Mechanism: Staff Support / Inclusion of the Branch staff and that of the Head Office
In particular, during the disbursement moment, the ASF staff explains to the clients that in any case they will want to give (write down) any comment / suggestion or concern / complaint they can do so except directly to their Loan Officer as well as to the Branch Assistant, the Branch Manager , or even by telephone to the Head Office, if they do not feel comfortable reporting it to their Loan Officer.

If the suggestion / complaint is made directly to the Loan Officer, Branch Assistant or Branch Manager, he / she fills out a Suggestions / Complaints Card and deposits it near the Suggestions / Complaints box, which is treated as follows (Mechanism 5).

3-rd Mechanism: Online Support
Agro& Social Fund has made available the email address: or the link below for all customers who want to send a complaint / suggestion electronically.

4-th Mechanism: Telephonic service
The telephone number for suggestions and complaints 00 355 46 31 57 43, is published for all the clients of ASF during the disbursement process in order to allow them to use it if they have suggestions/complaints regarding ASF’s services.

5-th Mechanism: Suggestion boxes
In order to receive comments from our actual and potential clients regarding the improvement of our products/services, in every ASF’s office are installed Suggestion Boxes. In 5 working days every client/individual that deposits a suggestion/complaint will be contacted for the suggestion/complaint deposited.

6-th Mechanism: ASF’s offices and marketing elements of ASF offices
Agro& Social Fund presents in a visible way the information regarding different ways offered by the institution for its clients to make a suggestion/complaint regarding the products/services offered by ASF. ASF informs all the clients that they can use all means of communication and will find the contacts of ASF in all Marketing Elements, by inviting everyone to make suggestions/complaints for the improvement of products and services from actual and potential clients.

7-th Mechanism: Exit interview with the clients
All the clients are contacted by ASF staff in the branch during their last month of the loan. The branch staff will document this conversation with the client including possible suggestions/complaints in the Exit Interview Form. This interview serves as a information source to understand if the clients have any need not fulfilled by ASF, or to conclude regarding client’s level of satisfaction from the collaboration with ASF.